API Connect — Installation
You can find the first posts of the series in the links below:
To not leave this article too complicated, I will not write how to get the ingredients of this recipe. You can get them as you prefer.
These are the necessary ingredients for our environment configuration:
- 1 dose of Docker 1.12.0 or higher;
- 1 dose of Docker-Compose 1.8.1 or higher;
- 1 pinch of Git;
- Operating System to taste.
in my case, I will use Ubuntu, but feel free to choose your preferred Operating System:
1 Add Git to your operating system carefully or to a large extent, according to the speed of your Internet.
2 Clone the apiconnect-docker project through the git clone https://github.com/strongloop/apiconnect-docker into a folder of your choice.
3 Add Docker to your Operating System carefully or in large proportion according to the speed of your Internet, and then add the Docker-Compose.
If you are using Ubuntu environment, I had written a post about the installation that I usually follow.
You can check the correct dosage of these two ingredients by running the docker -v and docker-compose -v commands
4 If Docker and Docker-Compose ingredients are according to the initial specification, run docker run -it — rm — env SHOW_LICENSE=1 ibmcom/apiconnect:manager-v5.0.6.0
5 Let’s edit some parameters into the .env file inside the apiconnect-docker project
Uncomment the ACCEPT line LICENSE = true line
Change the SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, and SMTP_SENDER rows to valid SMTP values.
From this point, you can configure with DataPower Gateway or with a Micro Gateway. In our case, we will configure using the DataPower Gateway because it is a choice that will provide us more components to manipulate the APIs creation.
6 Run docker-compose up -d to start the required containers.
After leaving the ingredients cooking for some time, voilá …
Apparently, something is not right with our recipe.
In analyzing what could have gone wrong, I entered the issue project page, and I noticed that issue 34 reflects the current problem:
Our problem lies in the DataPower image crop when mixed with the rest of the API Connect solution.
Datapower Docker images 7.6.0 was released a couple of weeks ago
https://hub.docker.com/r/ibmcom/datapower/tags/I noticed Docker-compose is broken with it
The reason is the default user has changed from
7 To save our recipe, we will make a change in the DataPower crop for another one that fits better. Change the version of the DataPower image to 7.5.2 editing the Dockerfile file in datapower folder.
8 Run again docker-compose up -d to start the required containers.
After leaving the ingredients cooking again between 5 to 10 minutes over low heat, voilá …
9 Run docker-compose ps and note that we have correctly matched all the ingredients:
10 Let’s change our /etc/hosts file to map the IP addresses of our Docker host.
Add the following line <docker-host-ip> apim datapower gwadmin ibmportal microservice. In my case, I changed to apim datapower gwadmin ibmportal microservice according to the issue 29:
To test, open the DataPower page (https://gwadmin/) and the API Manager page (https://apim/apim/):
Well, this post is already long. Let’s finish the installation here. In the next post, we will make some settings… Before I forget, I would just like to leave one more time registered: